Our Company


Carbon Dioxide and Allied Products Limited (CDAP) was incorporated under the Companies Act 1984 on 15th April 2010 as a company limited by shares and CDAP registration number is 10463. CDAP was incorporated with the objective of producing and selling of food grade carbon dioxide and its allied products from the fermentation of molasses in the production of ethanol at Ethanol Company in Dwangwa. The production process at Ethanol Company is seasonal and dependent upon the sugar production, resultantly; CDAP follows the same seasonality of the production calendar. The production of carbon dioxide is for eight months beginning in May and ending in December.

Why You Should Choose Us

Carbon Dioxide And Allied Products (PVT) Limited believes in meeting and exceeding customers expectations.

It firmly believes that customers are the reason for its existence hence we have got great respect for customers needs and wants.

Vision, Mission And Objectives 



  • To satisfy our customers by maintaining a robust quality and food safety management systems
  • To motivate and adequately train our staff
  • To ensure health and safety to our staff
  • To operate our business in an environmentally friendly manner
  • To gain and sustain competitive advantage
  • To implement systems and continuously improve on them.
  • Save foreign exchange through import substitution
  • Generate foreign exchange through exports to the SADC region
  • Reduce the emission of pollutant carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
  • Promote industrialization in the rural areas using current valueless pollutant carbon dioxide
  • Create employment


To be the most preferred supplier of food grade liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide in the Southern Africa Regional market. This preference will be embodied in the highest quality Liquid Carbon Dioxide that we produce all the time.


To make CDAP grow through producing, marketing and selling the highest quality and safe products at the lowest operational costs whilst maximizing stakeholders’ returns and satisfying all our customers’ requirements all the time.